(This post goes along with Leadership Level 3, Team Leadership.)
Do you know the season and reason for your current position of leadership? Sure, you may have a written or verbalized job description, and there are certainly expectations there for you to live up to. But, beyond that, do you really know why you're in this place, and at this time? Do you know what it is God is wanting to accomplish in your leadership journey, even as you're busy with all the things listed in your job description? You might be thinking, Tim, why are you making such a big deal about this?
Well, here's why: It's very possible to simply walk through this current season and get done all the things on your To Do list. You could even earn the praise and respect of those around you, and I hope you're able to do that. But what if God has plans for you in this season that go beyond those items on your To Do list or the items listed in your job description? What if God has some divine appointments, strategic connections and even visionary ideas that he wants to add to this season of your life? As great as all that sounds, it's very possible to miss most or all of those exciting opportunities by simply staying busy and missing the chance to hear from God in those areas.
God has some truly wonderful things awaiting us in his presence, but he won't force them upon us. We have to take the initiative to seek that time with our heavenly Father, so that we can get those priceless insights for this season. James 1:5 says that if anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives it freely and without condemnation. God isn't keeping things from us in order to frustrate us. He wants to share those things with us and bless us in the process, especially since those blessings will likely spill into the lives of those following our leadership. But God doesn't just want to dispense information. He also wants time with us in the process. In fact, I've found that God will never give me a leadership assignment that I can fully complete on my own. I will always need his input and guidance along the way.
Let me give you a bottom line statement about all this: You are here for a season and for a reason. But if you don't take time to pray about why you're here in this time and place, then you probably won't make the most of things. The good news is that you don’t have to miss the target. Try giving God the first part of your day as a leader, and watch what can happen.
Generational Bias?
(This post goes along with Leadership Level 2, Team Asset.)
Because I'm getting older, I've noticed some subtle differences in the way interactions are going between myself and others in my generation, as well as with those in younger generations. And often I've picked up on a few attitudes from the younger crowd. I'm sure I carried some of these same feelings and attitudes about older people in my younger days too. But now I have more wisdom about things, and I have some new insights as a result. Based on all that, I have some questions for you to consider:
1. Should it make any difference what age the person leading you happens to be? Is it easier for you to take directives from someone older, younger, your same age, or does it even matter?
2. Does it matter how this person is coming across in relation to your generation? For example, would you rather be led by a person your age, with similar hairstyles, clothing, and points of view? Or would you take things more seriously if the leader was older, even if he or she wasn't so much in touch with your generation?
I think this topic is worth discussing. Because, as an older leader, I like to know when my words are being received by the younger crowd. Let's face it, if you're in the younger generation, you probably don't want us older guys to act and dress just like you, especially if we need to lead you in a given area or project. And often leaders in the older bracket don’t prefer younger people trying to act older or more mature than they need to. With all this going on in and around our leadership, it’s no wonder we might have trust issues between the generations of leaders.
If some of this seems confusing, then let me make it simple. Being relevant is always a factor when interacting with each other, but then so is respect. People naturally respond better when they feel they are being taken seriously. We may not always agree on things, and especially if we are in different generations. But as leaders, we can and should find a way to respect each other in the journey.
Love one another warmly as Christians, and be eager to show respect for one another.
–Romans 12:10 (GNT)
Because I'm getting older, I've noticed some subtle differences in the way interactions are going between myself and others in my generation, as well as with those in younger generations. And often I've picked up on a few attitudes from the younger crowd. I'm sure I carried some of these same feelings and attitudes about older people in my younger days too. But now I have more wisdom about things, and I have some new insights as a result. Based on all that, I have some questions for you to consider:
1. Should it make any difference what age the person leading you happens to be? Is it easier for you to take directives from someone older, younger, your same age, or does it even matter?
2. Does it matter how this person is coming across in relation to your generation? For example, would you rather be led by a person your age, with similar hairstyles, clothing, and points of view? Or would you take things more seriously if the leader was older, even if he or she wasn't so much in touch with your generation?
I think this topic is worth discussing. Because, as an older leader, I like to know when my words are being received by the younger crowd. Let's face it, if you're in the younger generation, you probably don't want us older guys to act and dress just like you, especially if we need to lead you in a given area or project. And often leaders in the older bracket don’t prefer younger people trying to act older or more mature than they need to. With all this going on in and around our leadership, it’s no wonder we might have trust issues between the generations of leaders.
If some of this seems confusing, then let me make it simple. Being relevant is always a factor when interacting with each other, but then so is respect. People naturally respond better when they feel they are being taken seriously. We may not always agree on things, and especially if we are in different generations. But as leaders, we can and should find a way to respect each other in the journey.
Love one another warmly as Christians, and be eager to show respect for one another.
–Romans 12:10 (GNT)
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